Intro to Sheldon DNA
We use DNA to help us
- Cluster Sheldons into their proper families
- Determine which Sheldon family and individual belongs to
- Aid those with Sheldon ancestry to connect with their kin
- Establish origins in England to Sheldon’s that have moved elsewhere
The Sheldon DNA Project
The Sheldon DNA Project is hosted by FAMILY TREE DNA (FTDNA) and accepts atDNA from FTDNA’s Family Finder, Ancestry, MyHeritage, 23andMe, and LivingDNA. However, our main focus is the Y-chromosome which is passed down from father to son, to son, and so forth. The Y chromosome is unique and unlike atDNA in that it does not go through recombinations, so the YDNA 10 or 20 generations back is nearly identical to a man tested today. The Y chromosome only has small mutations every few generations so it is possible to create a tree of the Sheldon Y-chromosome through time for the various different Sheldon lineages. Y-DNA results of Sheldon surnamed men can show who shares a direct patrilineal ancestor and who does not. In combination with traditional genealogy, we have a new tool for closing the gaps when the paper trail goes dead. We can even use a simple Y-SNP test to determine which line a man belongs to in the absence of a firm paper trail. This allows us to help many Sheldon’s who do not know where they come from. Products like the Big-Y and Y-Elite have allowed us to connect previously unconnected Sheldon families. As you can see from this graphic the Sheldon DNA project has grown steadily since 2006.

Sheldon YDNA
Only men with the surname Sheldon are able to do the YDNA test for Sheldon purposes. We do however have many non-surnamed Sheldon descendants in our project! ALL men and women with Sheldon heritage can test their atDNA and matches to other Sheldons will often be found within 4th-5th cousins and sometimes as distant as tenth cousins. This can be useful to those trying to determine their relationship or who are unsure of where their Sheldon’s originated. Or those just trying to prove they are who they think they are. Both men and women can test their mtDNA however this is of limited use for Sheldon genealogy purposes but may be helpful to those with specific research interests on their mtDNA line. (This is always inherited through the mother and is the mother’s mother’s mother’s etc. line for both men and women). Y-DNA results of Sheldon surnamed men can show who shares a direct patrilineal ancestor and who does not. In combination with traditional genealogy, we have a new tool for closing the gaps when the paper trail goes dead. We can even use a simple Y-SNP test to determine which line a man belongs to in the absence of a firm paper trail. This allows us to help many Sheldons who do not know where they come from. Products like the Big-Y and Y-Elite have allowed us to connect previously unconnected Sheldon families. Both men and women can test their mtDNA however this is of limited use for Sheldon genealogy purposes but may be helpful to those with specific research interests on their mtDNA line. (This is always inherited through the mother and is the mother’s mother’s mother’s etc. line for both men and women).
The Process
DNA testing for genealogy is accomplished through either spitting into a tube or through swabbing the inside of the cheek depending on the company’s protocol. Testing is relatively easy but everyone doing a DNA test must be prepared for unexpected results. They happen infrequently but they do happen. DNA only reports the truth and has no agenda.
Current Objectives
- Assist all Sheldons worldwide in sorting their various Sheldon origins. Encourage greater participation in DNA testing of worldwide of Sheldon’s. It may be that an Australian or South African Sheldon holds the key to many Sheldon mysteries. American Sheldons may help current-day English Sheldons discover their deeper origins. The Sheldon DNA is a collaborative endeavor to help all Sheldons.
- Determine the English ancestry of all the original American Colonial Sheldons.
- Discover branch-related SNPS to make testing more accessible and easier to access. (A simple SNP test costs only $23.)
The Beginners Guide to DNA testing for the SHELDON DNA Testing
The History of the Sheldon DNA Project
The Beginner’s Guide to Genetic Genealogy
The Sheldon DNA Project at FTDNA
The Leeds Method for plotting matches into your tree based on DNA
Sheldon DNA Blog Posts:
Breaking Brick Walls With YDNA Part One Pre DNA testing
Breaking Brick Walls with YDNA Part Two Post DNA testing
Ancestral Journeys: The Peopling of Europe from the First Venturers to the Vikings by Jean Manco
Family Tree Guide to Genetic Genealogy by Blaine T. Bettinger
Who We Are and How We Got Here: Ancient DNA and the New Science of the Human Past by David Reich
Origins: A Genetic History of the Americas by Jennifer Raff 2022
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