Sheldon DNA Project Groupings

Between extensive research into original source documentation and the testing of YDNA for Sheldon’s across the United States and the UK, we have broken down the various American Sheldon’s lines into two groups below. These groups include the 5 progenitor lines in the United States as well as multiple lines in the UK.
Group A: Haplogroup: E-M35>V68>M78>V22>Y2366>CTS6080>L674>FGC7343
Is the only group to include both American and English origin families to date.
This group consists of the descendants of Godfrey Sheldon of Maine, John Sheldon of Providence, Rhode Island, and Richard SHELDON of New Jersey as well as the Sheldon’s originating in Bakewell, near the hamlet of Sheldon in Derbyshire, England.
- A1: John SHELDON (click here to go to his family tree) ca. 1630-1708, is found in early records of Providence, Rhode Island. His wife, Joan Vincent, is the daughter of Nicholas Vincent and Fridgeswith Carpenter of Amesbury, England. Joan is the niece of William Carpenter, an early founder in Providence Records. Fridgeswith inherited the home in England from her brother William.
- A2: Godfrey SHELDON (click here to go to his family tree) & Richard SHELDON (click here to go to his family tree) of New Jersey Godfrey ca.1599-1671, settled Saco/Bluepoint/Black Point, Maine. Godfrey’s wife, Alice Frost, and the early grave of a child of this couple are found in Bakewell parish, Derbyshire records. Godfrey’s home was a fort during the Indian Wars, when he moved to Salem. His son, William, inherited it. Of Richard little is known but his name and that he had 2 sons, and there is still question if he existed at all. The first son was named Thomas, who had 2 sons and 4 daughters. Richard’s other son, Lemuel, married Millicent Brock; they had 7 sons (including two sons named Lemuel) and 4 daughters. Richard may have other descendants as yet unreported as well. This line has not yet been researched in any great detail, this is currently being researched.
- A3: Bakewell, Derby, England – just one tester so far, but a very strong match to the rest of Group A.
Group B: Haplogroup R1b>U106>Z156> DF96>S11515>S15663>BY12505>FGC62079>BY35166
This group consists of the descendants of Isaac SHELDON of Windsor, Connecticut & Northampton, Massachusetts, and of John Sheldon of South Kingston, Rhode Island. This group has the “three brothers” origin story in which three brothers, Isaac (S#1), John (S#2), and William (S#3) came from England in 1637 to join the Dorchester Colony. We have proved that Isaac (S#1) & John (S#2)could be brothers. This group has not yet found a modern DNA match in the United Kingdom, but it is currently suspected that they are from the ancient SHELDON family of Warwickshire which had its zenith at Beoley in the 16th century. As you will see below we have identified at least 8 DNA lines in WARWICKSHIRE.
- B1: FGC74427 Isaac SHELDON (click here to go to his family tree) ca.1600-aft 1640 of Windsor, Connecticut, also known as the Northampton line , believed that he came from England in 1639 with the Rev. Hewitt to join the Dorchester Colony. It was previously believed that his son born c1629, Isaac (jr), was the progenitor of this branch and that he was a relation of Godfrey in Group A, and that he was the Isaac named in a Will in Bakewell. However, DNA research has since confirmed that this is not possible and that he is, instead, a relation and likely brother, to John of Kingstown. The older Isaac was already an adult by 1640 when he owned property in Windsor, Connecticut. His date of death is currently unknown. A recent document discovery states that Isaac Jr’s brother was in Rhode Island.
- B2: FGC73741 John SHELDON (click here to go to his family tree) ca.1628-ca.1679 of Kingstown, Rhode Island, also known as the South Kingston line. , is first found in records in Newport, Rhode Island, and shortly afterward purchased a large tract of land in the Narragansett Country. He is often referred to as “John of South Kingston”. It was his son, also John (Jr), who lived in South Kingston. His wife, Sarah, is named in his son’s Will as “my honored mother Sarah”.
Group C: Haplogroup: R1b>U106>Z381>Z301>Z30>Z346>FGC11784 not related to Group B in the last 1000 years.
Only two individuals in this test group, they are in the UK and trace to Rowley Regis and West Bromwich, Staffordshire.
Group D: Haplogroup R1b Predicted M269>L21>DF13> Z39589>DF41> MC21 (S15663- ) Potsdam, New York
Only two individuals in this test group.
Group E: Haplogroup I M253: WARWICKSHIRE, England
1 individual has tested from Burmington, Warwickshire, England
Group F: Haplogroup (predicted): R1b>M269>L21>DF13>Z39589>DF41>MC21
Four testers trace their Sheldon names to two separate men in the Birmingham area in the late 18th century – John Sheldon (1787-1860), and James Sheldon (1772-1832). However, their results have very strong connections with the MONTGOMERY family out of Argyllshire, Scotland. We currently suspect this is an early 18th-century NPE (non-paternal event), in which a person from the Montgomery family adopted the Sheldon surname. This individual may have been the father or grandfather of the above John and James.
- F1: Haplogroup J M172>L26>PF7413 WARWICKSHIRE: Birmingham from Argyllshire, Scotland? (MONTGOMERY)
- F2: Haplogroup R1b M269 Birmingham Area, WARWICKSHIRE, England
Group G: Haplogroup R1b Birmingham, WARWICKSHIRE, England
This group is related by area not specifically DNA at this point. All are from the Tipton-Birmingham area but fall into different DNA groups at this time.
- G1: R1b M269 Tipton, Birmingham Area, WARWICKSHIRE, England
- G2: R1b M269 Tipton, Birmingham Area, WARWICKSHIRE, England
- G:3 R1b M269 Tipton, Birmingham Area, WARWICKSHIRE, England