Inquest against Jonathan Hoegg (1748)

This inquest is from the court records of Dutchess County, New York.  This records the gathering of the justices and jurors for the inquest against Jonathan Hoegg, a blacksmith, who was alleged “by force and arms” to remove Sarah Hunt, wife of Daniel Hunt, from her legal residence “to the great disturbance of the peace”.  Among the jurors was listed Thomas Sheldon.

Transcription by Kelly Wheaton

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An inquisition taken for his majestie at the Oblong in Beekman precinct in Dutches County on the Twenty fifth day of July Instant, in the Twenty second year of his majestic Reign Anno; Dom: 1748 Upon the oaths of Danial Bemiss, William Lamphear, Stephen Willicocks, William Backus, Jedidiah Irish, Jonathan Spalding, Jonas Spalding, Thomas Shelden, George Copper, Joshua Bennit, John Lues & Ebenezer Mirick taken before us Matthew Dubois, James Duncan & Jacob Heviland three of his majesties Justices for preserving the peace of Said County, as also for trying and judging Felonies Trespases and other crimes commited in the Said Countywho upon their oaths Declare that Sarah Hunt wife of Daniel Hunt ~~~ of the oblong in the county aforesaid was Legally ~~possesed and peaceably possessed and seised in his demissure as of fee and in one messuage with its appurtenances in the oblong aforesaid and did peaceably continue his said possesion until Jonathan Hoegg of Said Oblong Blacksmith on the Twenty First day of July Instant did by force and arms Enter into the said Messuage with its appurtenances and Disseised and expelled from the aforesaid messuages on the Said Twenty first day of July until the day of the taking this Inquistion They have with a strong hand and armed power kept her out and do as yet keep her out to the Great Disturbance of the peace of his said Majestie and against the form of the Statue in that case Made and provided where neither he nor any other person whome he or they ought to represent, Either held or did hold any part in the aforesaid messuage with its appurtenances or any part or parcel thereof for three years immediately preceeding his aforesaid Entrey Nor any other time assiding to the knowledg of the aforesaid Reponants in witness whereof wee the Said Justices as well as the aforesaid jurors have here unto Put our hands & Seals the day & year above written

Matthew Dubois (seal) Dan’l Bemiss (seal)
James Duncan (seal) William Lamphear (seal)
Jacob Heviland (seal) Stephen Willcocks (seal)
Will Backus (seal)
Jedidiah Irish (seal)
Jonothon Spalding (seal)
James + Spaulding (seal)
Thomas Shelden (seal)
George Coopper (seal)
John Luce (seal)
Eben’r Mirrick (seal)


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About the Author:

Dale has been studying genealogy heavily for over 30 years, since the age of 10. Although he does not seek professional clients, he has helped a family regain property lost during the Holocaust, and has assisted to obtain historical preservation status for a building in San Francisco. He is a co-admin of the ftDNA Sheldon DNA Project. He lived most of his life in California but has recently moved to upstate New York. He works in the travel industry.
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